
Business phone and address verification in Sweden?

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I was given some business phone numbers and addresses but before I deal with them I would like to make sure they're legitimate.

I need to know if they actually exists, they're valid but if so who they belong to exactly. Phone book, business registry, or physical check are various options. I would like to know what's your source of info or where I could find out.

Address: Frejgatan 13 11479 Stockholm Sweden

Phone: +46 46 288 52 67

Address: Vastra Vattugrand 3c. 115 21 Stockholm Sweden

Phone: +46 08 559 24 673

Phone: +46 031 799 57 64

Thank you!




  1. I just received an email from an Alan Strakovski with a company based in Sweden with the same phone number.  It is a recruiting firm.  Their website is  (that is spelled right!)

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