
Business proposal question?

by  |  earlier

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I am interested in marketing leather bush hats in the UK. I live in UK at present but have no idea how to go about marketing in the UK. I have a reliable supplier that can cater any amount of order but the problem is that the product is not branded. Does anyone have any idea on how I go about selling these type of hats? In addition how many of you think that Bush hats have reasonable chances of selling in the UK please?

Many thanks




  1. Unless they become a fashion item then it is unlikely you will sell very many.

    Possibly your best bet would be at places like game fairs or similar

  2. You have no chance of selling Bush hats in the UK. Even people who have been to Australia don't come back with Bush hats. The weather isn't hot enough to warrant them. Sorry but no go. Everyone will laugh at you. Better forget it.  

  3. My advice to you is to stick one up on Ebay - see what it sells for and see if you can get it from your supplier for half the price that it sell's for EG...

    You sell it for £5.00 make sure you can get it for at most £2.50 delivered to your door - This leaves a healthy profit margin. And remember if you can compete on Ebay you can basically compete anywhere, because Ebay is a world famous harsh price driven market place...

    If the profit is good and you are happy you can make some money, place a small order with your supplier for say 10.

    My advice is take things slow and steady and make calculated desicions at every stage.

    I wish you the best of luck and sucess with your venture - im currently in the 3rd year of mine and now have a fully stocked online shop.

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