
Business studies alevel?

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hi i have just done my gcse's and done really well, but don't really now what career i wont to go into after uni. I have decided what 4 levels to do, but have to decide what my 5th subject will be, i have narrowed it down to business studies. I didn't do gcse business and don't know how this will affect me. Will this hinder me greatly? is it good? hard? boring? of no use? in your opinion should i do it?





  1. I did AS Business but I did really bad whereas a load of my friends got A's

  2. hi i am doing my business studies degree  at the moment

    i find that some of it is really good but some boring but I'm sure this happens in all studies there are certain bits that really interest you and other bit you hate

    i am sure it will do u no harm and i think its a good one to have as no matter what job you get into the information you learn will be very valuable

    all the best

  3. I got an A in Business GCSE but not taking it for AS. It's managable and quite easy. The only unit that can be tricky is Finance so competance in Maths would be advantagous. At GCSE I found most of it was just common sense but it can get tricky and there is a lot of stuff to remeber. In terms of it being boring, the answer is not as much as others. Sometimes i found myself snoozing off but other units were interesting. I'd say it was more boring than not though.

    Hope this helps  

  4. you do not have to have done it for GCSE to do AS level. My son is just starting the Double award in B.S. and his teacher has assured him that it does not matter that he has not done it before. Judging from the results, I do not think it is that hard, and it is a popular subject which leads me to think that it is quite interesting.

    Good Luck

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