
Businesses should hire employees for their lives. Do you agree or disagree?

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Businesses should hire employees for their lives. Do you agree or disagree?




  1. i think i can see this question in two ways.

    1 - do i give up my life for the company

    2 - do i get life time employment from the company

    1 is a NO. anybody on thier death bed ever wish they had spent more time in the office

    2 i don't think its practical in the world anymore. may be common in japan and communist countries but most free market economies just aren't stable enough to support this notion. besides at least in the US people enjoy changing jobs and gaining experiences they may not get within one company.

  2. disagree.  Businesses should hire employees and keep them as long as they make sense and benefit the company.  Business is not there as a social safety net to pay employees' needs for all their life.  This is not a Socialist state.

  3. I disagree, who wants to work for some one for the rest of their life. With todays technology people are living longer pass 100 and work for who that  #$%%%$#$ long.

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