
Busted at a party underage drinking?

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long story short...

at a party, cops came b/c of noise. im 18. bac is .01. about 8 other underage kids. cops said they'll think about what to do with us. what will most likely happen to me? citation? a bac of .01 is like nothing so will they fine/cite me?




  1. yes

  2. Wow you will be lucky if that happens because almost the exact same thing happened to me (im 17) and they still cited me with a Minor in Possession (even though I had none in my "possession" and no trace of alcohol in me). I hope for the best for you though!

    However, I live in the country where the cops are pricks. They almost charged my friend who wasn't even at the house because his car was parked next door. The city cops tend to be nicer  

  3. Im guessing that if they said they "will think about what to do with you" they intend to let you sweat it out for a few days and then let it go or at worst tell your parents. Thats a very low reading, its not like you were drunk and disorderly. I wouldnt worry about it too much.

  4. If they fine you, you should argue in court that the instrument was inaccurate. I'm confident it was a preliminary BAC device. They can't detect that small of an amount accurately. They cant even use the results of it in court in a DWI case. What compelled you to take a BAC? You are under no legal obligation to do so unless you are driving.  

  5. A BAC of .01 for a minor is the same as .10, or .40.  Minors are not allowed to have ANY alcohol in their system.  If you walked away without a citation, then you are probably free and clear.  Could get a Mnor Consumption though.

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