
But i cant afford it!

by  |  earlier

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i work for the state/university doing free nutritional classes. We have a charge card in which to buy recipie items today I found out I am maxed out. My supervisor said I can either ask my local office to pay and they be reimbursed WHICH THEY WON'T DO...Im sure. OR I can buy it and be reimbursed...some 3-5 wks later. I already live check to check. This month alone will cost me $60.00 minimun. I also pay for gas out of pocket and remimbersed 44 cent per mile so I'm not getting back what I pay out. What is a professional way to say I cant afford this?




  1. Make up a spreadsheet, showing your costs, say you'd like to be reimbursed for the costs inured for the last year.

    Most people go to work with the idea that they will be paid for their time and efforts, their choice to provide a free class doesn't mean you should provide the means to hold the class.

    If their willing to reimburse for future items, why not come up with all the old receipts, and have those paid for too?

    It's THEIR expense, not yours, they are, (in essence), asking you to pay to work........that doesn't make a lot of sense.

    As far as your performance evaluation, if the classes got canceled because of inclement weather, would they grade you down?  The classes will be canceled because of circumstances beyond your responsibility or control.

    Say that!


  2. tell ur supervisor the charge card bill needs to be paid in order for you teach properly when they bring up out of pocket simply say " oh I'm sorry but i dont have the extra funds to put out so let me know when you pay the card of thanks " and dont feel a bit bad its not ur responsibility remember that !  

  3. .44 a mile?  I work for a non-profit and we get .585 a mile.  Do some research on line to back up what you are saying as far as the going rate for gas reimbursement  
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