
But pray that your flight will not be in the winter, or on a Sabbath.?

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Wat about a upcoming ICE AGE-

Scientist: Forget Global Warming, Prepare for New Ice Age


Sunspot activity has not resumed up after hitting an 11-year low in March last year, raising fears that — far from warming — the globe is about to return to an Ice Age, says an Australian-American scientist.

Physicist Phil Chapman, the first native-born Australian to become an astronaut with NASA [he became an American citizen to join up, though he never went into space], said pictures from the U.S. Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) showed no spots on the sun.

He said the world cooled quickly between January last year and January this year, by about 0.7 degrees Centigrade.,2933,352241,00.html

This could be referring to the rapture when we should not return for our coats

JESUS SAID-If a person is in the field, he must not go back to get his coat. At that time, it will be bad for women that are pregnant or have small babies! Pray that it will not be winter or a Sabbath day




  1. I know this has been the coolest August I've seen in many years. If I recall correctly, we are about due for another ice age.  

  2. If your "flight" were in the winter, it would be out of season. No? Meaning, you have gone away before the harvest. you shall reap none of the rewards.

    The Sabbath would have you sitting still, doing nothing.

    The women "giving suck" or having small babies....follow me if you will. You understand the bride groom is coming for His bride ( His Anointed Ones ) If His bride has a baby-- or is giving suck to a new born, that bride has not been waiting for her groom. Do you understand? She has had another, in His place. She has been "fooling around". She, has lay down with the anti christ, she has worshiped him, instead of waiting for her True Christ, who comes second.

  3. Travel is not permitted on the Sabbath except small walking distances

    like to Synagogue for services.Winter travel is difficult because of weather cold, snow, ice .It can also be  dangerous as well .So it seems along with the  warning to not return for your coat that fleeing from areas will be a necessary thing that needs to be done .That will be harder on those who are pregnant and with small children.Just think of what happened in the recent storm Katrina ,imagine about to give birth in those conditions or having small children .I think we should take Jesus warning to pray about these situations seriously .Oh yes just want to add some don't believe in the Sabbath and if it were done away with why was Jesus concerned that we might have to travel on it? Just an extra thought.

  4. Well, to be honest, I believe Revelation is for the Jew NOT for the Gentile in the Age of Grace !! It means to me just what it says, When the Tribulation starts and God calls, the remnant of Jews in Jerusalem, to flee from there and takes them to a safe place where He will protect, feed, clothe, etc., all of them, they are to just GO, and NOT return home !! and if says pray it is not on the Sabbath, because the Law forbids the Jew to travel more than a certain distance on that day ... go in peace.... God bless

  5. The problem is that we have lands above the equator and lands below the equator. Therefore at any given time, it is winter on half of the earth when the other is summer.

    This is a clue that the "winter" is symbolic, as is the Sabbath. There is no more Sabbath as a rule, even among Christians.

    Previously, under the Jewish Sabbath, except for very little travel and activities outside of reading and eating nothing was allowed, not even cooking. We don't have areas at least in this country, where anything happening on the Sabbath would make a difference.

    Don't get me wrong. I do believe in the great tribulation. I just feel that these particular phrases have a symbolic meaning rather than literal for our day.

    Different story for first application when Rome came in to destroy Jerusalem.

  6. What was written there, spoken by Christ, was for those in and around Jerusalem leading up to the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D.  He was not talking about the event occurring again now or in the future from now.  There is a progression there, and you are ignoring that progression.


  7. when i read that passage i think of the end times.....

    i don't look at it in relation to ice age or weather forecasts.....

    oh well, m always ready.

    if there is really an ice age, i will freeze before the ice actually forms.

  8. Just before Christ returns, there will come a day when Christians, a true remnant of Christ, will be persecuted. (Just as Christians were in the dark ages) At that time they will "flee" to the mountains to hide for safety until Christ final return.  

  9. The Farmers Almanac is forcasting a cold winter this year .most of the

    USA will be below average temperatures.they have an 85 percent chance of being right.

    JESUS was talking to his disciples about the temple being destroyed he said not one stone would be left standing upon an 70 AD.the Roman army (The Desolation of abomination spoken of by Daniel)under General Titus he turned back a few times to let people flee to the hills because the calamity was so great.(acording to Josephus the historian)who is mentioned in the bible and in wikeopedia

    too.before he laid Jeruselum waste.

    Jesus will come as a Thief in the night.we will all be judged and this world will be destroyed with fire.

    Mt 24:1 And Jesus went out from the temple, and was going on his way; and his disciples came to him to show him the buildings of the temple.

    Mt 24:2 But he answered and said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.

  10. The means of preservation which thinking men should betake themselves to (Mat_24:16, Mat_24:20); Then let them which are in Judea, flee. Then conclude there is no other way to help yourselves than by flying for the same. We may take this,

    (1.) As a prediction of the ruin itself; that it should be irresistible; that it would be impossible for the stoutest hearts to make head against it, or contend with it, but they must have recourse to the last shift, getting out of the way. It bespeaks that which Jeremiah so much insisted upon, but in vain, when Jerusalem was besieged by the Chaldeans, that it would be to no purpose to resist, but that it was their wisdom to yield and capitulate; so Christ here, to show how fruitless it would be to stand it out, bids every one make the best of his way.

    (2.) We may take it as a direction to the followers of Christ what to do, not to say, A confederacy with those who fought and warred against the Romans for the preservation of their city and nation, only that they might consume the wealth of both upon their lusts (for to this very affair, the struggles of the Jews against the Roman power, some years before their final overthrow, the apostle refers, Jam_4:1-3); but let them acquiesce in the decree that was gone forth, and with all speed quit the city and country, as they would quit a falling house or a sinking ship, as Lot quitted Sodom, and Israel the tents of Dathan and Abiram; he shows them,

    [1.] Whither they must flee - from Judea to the mountains; not the mountains round about Jerusalem, but those in the remote corners of the land, which would be some shelter to them, not so much by their strength as by their secrecy. Israel is said to be scattered upon the mountains.



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