
But shes so gorgeous?

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my best friend is really really pretty. i have a confidence problem especially being next to her. I'm shy around guys but shes SO flirty and happy all the time. we get along and our personalitys are so alike but i always feel like even if i went out with someone they would probably get to know her and want her instead. I'm jealous and she really brings down my self esteem. don't get me wrong i love her but i always feel like shes like me and then some. i mean shes gorgeous people lol what do i do, I'm afraid I'm going to resent her.




  1. My best friend has blond hair , blue eyes and a body to die for.   I was dating a really great looking guy . Blond hair, green eyes, 5' 11" and very intelligent.

    My friend asked if I wanted to go to the beach with her for the weekend. So we went.  When my boyfriend found out he and his friend tagged along.

    I thought to myself that when I introduced my boyfriend to her that would be the end of us. But the opposite happened.  He didn't like her.  He still wanted me.  She wasn't his type.

    You will find someone some day that loves you for who you are not just what you look like.  You could introduce him to her and he may think she is really nice but he will still want you.  That's when you know he is the one.

    Don't be jealous.  You sound like a terrific person.   Maybe if you tried to be a little more flirty and put a smile on your face you will attract more guys.

    You could be coming across as unapproachable.  Try it ... you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

    By the way I married him !   She married also and moved far away !   We are still friends to this day.  

  2. what's the question?

  3. Use her to the fullest . If you two have the same personality but she has the looks to get the guy just remember that every guy has a friend who could be your friend

    Or stop going out with her and find you own action its that simple and easy too we are women we have breast

  4. I have felt the same way for a long time.What I have done is just go out there and not even think about it and it has helped a lot.It takes a little time but if you're willing to do it enough then you can

  5. I've been in your shoes before! And I finally found someone who liked ME for ME.

    It took a little while to find him considering my bestest is this tiny petite, blonde little chick and guys would literally walk into telephone poles from staring at her. Even all our guy friends were secretly crushing on her and of course they would tell ME all about it! It was pretty heart-breaking.

    Just don't make yourself seem desperete or anything....and dont worry, someone will come to you. Sometimes if you act like you "just dont care" it draws the attention of the opposite s*x too. It makes you look mysterious and has guys wondering, "whats her story??" and will be eager to find out.

  6. well, this happened to me in 8th grade. i felt that way until i moved away and afterwards felt so freakin unattractive that i decided that, hey, i could get a guy if i wanted to... so i did! i set my sights on a boy i liked and tried my darndest over the course of the entire school year to figure out what he liked and how i could catch his attention. at the end of the year, he asked me out and fell head over heels for me. ever since i've felt that it's not just a pretty face that guys like, it's who you are.

    and guess what? after we dated for a while i was over it but he still says he loves me these 9 years later!

    you'll be okay. your time will come and you'll be so happy.
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