
But then who wins here?

by  |  earlier

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I do not see where it fails.

In theory if it does not work, only $ 5 lose?

A greeting




  1. u just get money from other people...

  2. Yahoo Answers is not the best place to post this old scheme that has been around for at least decades.   Most of the members are too smart for it.   Most of them can add too and know that it is not just $5 that is involved but several $5's. It is a chain letter which is illegal in the mail which is why they are trying to scam around it by using mnet and paypal.   The odds of "success" in this keeping going and enough people particip[ating to make you any ral amount of money are very slim especially the further down the pyramid you go but you may find some suckers.  As a way of amusing yourself it is  probably no worse than eating a $5 jumbo babana split and at least it will not make you fat.

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