
Butler Question?

by  |  earlier

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Last night I went to the ballet but developed a terrible headache half way through the performance so decided to leave early.

I walked into my parlour, only to find my butler, Hargrieves, lounging across my chaise lounge watching my TV and eating ginger biscuits. As soon as he saw me he leapt to his feet. I looked him up and down then asked him to come closer.

First I asked him to remove my silk dress – which he did with fumbling fingers. I then demanded he remove my corset. Again, Hargrieves did as he was asked. Finally I told him to take off my chemise and drawers. By this time the man was sweating but meekly did as he was bid.

Finally, giving him a very stern look, I said ‘Hargrieves, if I ever catch you wearing my clothes again you are fired’.

Was I right to give him a second chance or should I have dismissed him right away?




  1. Get real my lady, if you've a butter at home what are you doing answering question? get a life, wake up to the real world.

  2. I don't have a Butler, but lady to lady, it always good to have  an extra  man around as a back up shag!

  3. M'Lady, you should not have dismissed him, you should never dismiss him, he sounds a gem although with a cheeky side to him. I'm surprised with your perfect figure that Hargreaves was able to fit into your clothes I always imagined him to be, well rotund.

    So you saw two sets of ginger nuts that evening, the ones he was eating and those that emerged from your drawers. Might need to disinfect those drawers, personally I would get the gardener to burn them. You should be in attendance whilst this is happening otherwise you may find them over his head.

    Those that have suggested some form of punishment are slightly off the mark - whatever you do, or get others to do he will probably be ecstatic and this will encourage the naughty boy in him.

  4. Hilarious.....I always believe in second chances ;-)

    It makes me laugh that some people think you are being serious!

  5. Okay let me get this straight.  So your saying that he was in the parlour lounging around on your chaise watching TV in your clothes?!?!?  Wow!!!  Well, lounging around in your clothes is one thing but eating your biscuits too, now that's taking it a bit to far.  You were right for giving him a second chance but tell him not to be eating your biscuits.

  6. Your Grace, you are a Saint of patience with that man. A spanking at least if not an out right dismissal should have been his lot.

  7. Well my dear, I always insist that my butler wear a full French maids outfit complete with garter, as we had to fire the maids following the tragic demise of darling Harold.  I feel that it just raises the tone of the place a bit. However, this shows absolute damnable cheek! I say punish him and re-establish your position as mistress of the house, I would recommend a light whipping.

  8. I will send my man Cuthbertson round and give him a hiding he will never forget, I re-read your question several times and I still cannot believe he had the temerity to be in your private quarters without permission, as for the ginger biscuits, quite unbelievable. As for the clothing, well Cuthbertson tells me that Hargrieves cuts quite a dashing figure in drag, apparently he has an act down at the Lamb  and Flag on a Saturday night. He has a double act with Mary the barmaid, they do all sorts of unspeakable things, not the sort of thing that a lady of your breeding should be aware of.

  9. ok are you in some old novel or something becaus eno offence it sounds like a victoria alexander novel

  10. I always believe in giving servants a second chance, how can deny him his closet pleasure!

  11. Question being, how did he look? I would say again that you have exersised the patience of a saint. Truly dear the things you endure. How do you manage? And then dealing with commoners answering your questions without even answering you. Perhaps he should be punished by marching around the manor dressed in such fashion for one week. Or maybe that wouldn't be punishment? hmmm...

  12. You did not tell us if you are keeping the clothes or if you are sending them over to  Absolute Rotter's house attendant?

  13. What are you thinking??? Jeez it's obvious that now you at least have someone to take shopping and help you with your choice of clothing!  It's like OMG you have your own personal BFF and you totally didn't notice...

  14. Ginger dare he and in your parlor, the man is a blaggard, my man bagthorpe (87) tells me that he does this thing quite often...apparently the last time you sent him to Rotter manor a chap purporting to be the butler and dressed in drag answered the door and so the idea came to mind, the butler up at Rotter manor was said to have a mustache, a gap in the front teeth and spoke with the most excellent queens English "don't cha know" he was also cavorting with two Dutch filly's...hmmmm butler in deed ? i suggest you keep him away from the village people collection..batting for the other side me thinks..a sound thrashing should put him right.
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