
Butt hole spasms...?

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I've been having butt hole muscle spasms pretty frequently lately.. Its not like I stiff stuff in it.. any ideas on why this is happening?




  1. I have those occasionally.  I've only had a hairbrush go up my butt.  And a Powerade bottle.  And there was that baking pin.  But those were all accidents.  And that 24 oz. beer can.  And a lighter - Zippo.  And that policeman's baton.  And there was that one time I tripped and fell on the polevaulting pole but that could happen to anyone.  And the car antenna.  And my dog's snout.  And that 3-liter Pepsi bottle.  And that electric toothbrush.  And that elbow nub I found on the ground in Israel.  And a watermelon.  And there was that time I ran backwards through a cornfield without any pants on.  But those were all accidents.

  2. i have those once every few months or so.  i don't do anything with my butt besides poo out of it. i wouldn't worry about it unless its affecting your life seriously.
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