
Butter okay or spoiled?

by  |  earlier

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I purchased two tubs of 'I can't believe it's not butter' margarine. I put one tub away and left one sit out for about two hours with the lid on in about 77 degree house on accident. When I returned and found it, I immediately stuck it in the freezer as I had intended to do in the first place. Is it still okay to eat after its thawed?




  1. Margarin is not meant for peoples consumption, it is highly cancerougeneous. So you dont really have a choice :-)

  2. Why not?

    if cap was on it's ok.

  3. Sure as long as the lid was on and the cat didn't l**k on it.!  :)))

  4. yes, margarin doesn't spoil easily, and thats margarin... you could leave it out for weeks and it would still be good.

  5. Yeah, I would still eat it.

  6. Your good to go, it takes weeks before margarine will go bad on you, so go ahead and freeze it!

  7. yes, people have left sticks of butter on the table for years so my guess is that it is just fine. i looked this up once and read that as long as it contains salt, it is safe.

  8. you can eat it,don't worry i leave butter sit out in a glass butter dish unrefrigerated,u can also eat it after it's thawed.  :]

  9. im sorry im not a butter expert

  10. It's Okay.... You won't notice a difference.

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