
Butterfly dead but wont stop moving like crazy?????

by  |  earlier

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ok i found a cool black and yellow butfry so i picked it up and got a needle and pinned it to the wall its SURLY dead but it wont stop flapping the wings!Why is it the nerves?




  1. Butterflies and other similar winged insects sometimes get into very death-like states.  Just like houseflies that will lay belly-up and legs crossed on the windowsill all spring until the air warms up and then they will re-awaken and fly around.  So the butterfly was not actually dead when you picked it up and the pin did not hit a vital organ - it is alive but traped by the pin.  It will starve shortly, though.  So you can let it go to enjoy the remainder of its brief life, or just let it die on the pin.  Collectors have ways to kill them quickly, but I do not know how they do it - they use compounds on them.

  2. If the creature is flapping it's wings it is NOT dead.  You are supposed to kill it humanely before you pin it to the wall.  Most collectors use ethyl acetate (fingernail polish remover) or an ethanol solution.

  3. You're mean spirited for doing such a thing and hopefully you'll have nightmares over it.  I can see it all now, you arrive at the pearly gates and they won't let you in and you ask WHY?  Then a voice says remember that butterfly you stuck on the wall with a pin.?  That's why!

    PS. We all know that your are not going to like your answers and won't bother to pick a best answer but who cares.

  4. I have a school assignment right now and I have to collect 15 insect specimens and kill them, and display them on a board.

    We got told to kill them HUMANELY, dont directly put them on the pin, just chuck it in a jar with a drop of nail-polish remover.

    It will suffocate fastly and painlessly from the fumes. The butterfly isn't dead just injured. Just do the above and there you have it. Pin it on the wall afterwards!

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