
Butterfly stroke tips?

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Planning on getting more endurance on the 100 yards butterfly swim. Currently going to the gym everyday, what part of my body that I need to work out will help me succeed? Pictures would be helpful thank you.




  1. abs for kick and the mucsles onder your armpits.

  2. Work on your abs. They are very important in butterfly. Also if your trying for more endurance, then I would probably try to start running/jogging some.

  3. I think you should mainly get your arms because you have to bring them over the water and your legs just follow. Also, try to keep your arms straight as you bring you arms over the water.

  4. run for endurance

    box crunches for abs

    keep your arms straight out in front of you..plams out..

    and rememebr to keep ur hips up

  5. Shoulders, abs...

  6. Your lats, pecs, and core.

    The best exercise is get a very stiff latex/rubber cord ( one of these), and do the butterfly (aka the double arm pullback). Loop the cord around something. Holding the cords in front of you, stand far enough away to create some tension in them. Bend over at the waist and lower your head (aim to bend over 90 degrees). With arms straight and outstretched in front of you, pull your arms down to your sides as if doing an actual butterfly stroke. Remember to start the pull phase with your palms and forearms. Make sure to keep your elbows pointed out and at your shoulder line. Finish with your hands past your hips.

    You are replicating the pull motion of the butterfly stroke. Do very many reps of this.
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