
Butt’s 11: the heist of the decade

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Butt’s 11: the heist of the decade
Starring: Salmon Butt, Mohammed Asef, Mohammed Amer, I-jazz Butt and Mazhar Majeed
A gangster by the name of Asef aka grass-roller rounds up his gang of associates to stage a heist at the 1.8 million pound mansion of the bookmaker, who had backstabbed him and his men by plotting with the News of the World to entrap them in a betting scandal. It also resulted in tarnishing their image in front of the love of his life Veena Malik. Harbouring dreams of revenge on Mazhar Majeed, the ingenious bookmaker, who broke the heart of his ex – girlfriend, Asef found his motivation.  
His first recruit, is I-jazz Butt, their “grease man” a circus acrobat running the PCB for almost 3 years now. His second recruit is a certain Butt, the Salmon Butt. The infamous butt, is known for his slimy slithery persona, to serve as the inside man at the mansion. Next in-line is the ballet dancer, Kamy Ak Mal who is renowned for her nimble moves, and breath taking good looks not to mention the voluptuous curves, she was to act out the role of the s**y seductress for Mr Mazhar while the heist is underway.
The four of them plan their heist meticulously keeping in mind all the little details. Kamy Ak Mal is to keep Mazhar busy, seducing him, as Butt sneaks into his secret vault while I-Jazz butt has to de-activate the alarm. Little did they know, that while they were planning the greatest scheme ever made after Mojo Jojo’s evil plan of course, one sneaky monkey was eavesdropping at the door having heard every little detail they had planned.
Finding their ingenious plan in jeopardy, the quartet decides to take the monkey along. They had named him Amer, and he was incredibly young. Their plan was to steal the 150,000 pounds given by the News of the World to Mazhar for spot fixing, however it turned out to be a sting operation by the fake sheik and the cricketers were duped. They rented three donkeys, and set out on their long journey to the mansion. On their way of course, Salmon pick-potted all his friends money and stashed the money up his nostril, with dollar bills still showing. They parked the donkeys a few yards away from the mansion’s electric gate and rang the bell.
The automatic gate opened, and Salmon with the s**y Kamy wearing a backless gown made their way to the mansion to be greeted by the infamous bookmaker. Kamy blushed, when she looked at him, winking as they went inside. Meanwhile, Mr I-Jazz and the sneaky monkey Amer, climbed their way dodging the dog, that chased them, to get inside the house. I-jazz, climbed the walls, and jumped across obstacles to balance himself on the chandelier of the drawing room with his nose, as Kamy seduced the bookmaker, and Salmon kept asking him leading questions.
“I have 150,000 pounds in my room right now. My garage has an Aston Martin DB 9, a Jag, not to mention a Range Rover and a VolksWagon Golf”. Hearing this Salmon’s eyes sparkled, a crazy sparkle of greed. Asef, used this opportunity to shove some grass up Majeeds nose and the bookmaker fell with a thud on the floor.
All of them dashed to the bookies room, to find 150,000 pounds lying there on his bed. Their hearts leapt with joy. They could not believe their eyes. “So much money”, they exclaimed.
They jumped on the bed, all of them together and could not believe their eyes. A dream come true. They were finally rich. They stashed all the money in I-Jazz Butt’s back pockets, and dashed to Mazhars garage where each of them, took the keys of his rides, Salmon taking the Aston Martin, Butt taking the Range Rover, and Asef taking the Golf, while the monkey docked his donkey.
As they made their way out of the gate, they found painful blinding white lights. They rubbed their eyes, to wake up to their worst night mare. Those flashes of lights were all journalists, flashing their cameras. They were caught.
As they sat in the jail cell locked up, with their pitiable faces, all of them remembered that Kamy was missing. He was never found again. Even though rumour has it, that Mazhar divorced his wife to marry a s**y woman who dropped everything he threw her way. But Kamy was never found.
(The writer’s views are independent and in no way reflect’s editorial stance)



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