
Buy 2000 Honda Accord SE

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I am interested in buying a used green Honda Accord SE 2000

with 101103 miles at a local dealer. When I had a test drive on the highway, its steer wheel vibrates at high speed. Does it have a big problem? How much to fix it? The list price is $8990. What is the reasonable price?




  1. $8990 is too expensive. Browse and you will find the price is between $4500 -- $5500. Its millage is over 100K and you need spend $650 to replace the timing belt. For the steer wheel vibration problem, it might be the CV joint and costs $500.

    Anyway, ask dealer to fix it and replace the timing belt and then offer


  2. yes that is a pretty decent price... the steering wheel vibration could be something as simple as unbalanced tires, or warped brake rotors all the way to bad tie rods, ball joints... any of which will cost you less than $500 to fix. This car will save you loads on gas and is very comfortable and reliable.

  3. My friend's 1998 Honda Accord (130000 miles) had similar vibration problem last year. Later his car engine stopped running several times on the highway. He had to re-start the ignition. He bought a new Camry and trade in his Accord to the dealer. Before you buy an used car, you must send it for a mechanic check.

  4. $8990 is a little expensive for a car with 101,000 miles-- even if it is a Honda.  My 2000 Honda Accord just hit 114,000 miles, and the majority of the repairs I've ever had to do on it have been within these past 14,000 miles.  

    Has the car had it's timing belt replaced yet?  What about it's brakes and rotors?  You should ask about the expensive things before purchasing.  If this car has a new timing belt (a very expensive fix!), new brakes and rotors, and new tires-- THEN I would say it's worth the money.  If not, even though Honda's are amazing, you might want to consider something else.

    Also, in response to your original question-- my 2000 Honda Accord vibrates at high speeds as well.  I have, however, had this checked out by different shops at different points in time, and I was told some cars just handle different than others and there didn't seem to be a problem with mine.

    Best wishes!

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