
Buy High Ground or Learn To Swim? (Globe Heating)

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is the effect of global warming having any bearing on peoples choices when looking to buy a home?

is it time to head for the hills?

or spend the next summer getting to know the water?




  1. I can say that some people have had to start thinking about global climate change when it comes to places to live, but only a few areas are seeing specifc results of the changes.  For example, the Netherlands is installing very sophisticated flood technology to help them because they are actually below sea level and are in great danger.  Several of the smaller islands around the world including the South Pacific are beginning to see the tides turn higher and more and more of their land being washed away under the waves.  Other then this however there isnt much talk about people not living closer to the water.  In fact coastal areas seem to be growing the largest.  

    This does not mean however that people are not aware of the danger.  Insurance companies are charging a lot more for flood protection and general insurance in coastal areas.  Everyone is very aware of coastal storms and hurricanes as well.  Its not quite at the point where people are moving away from the shore, but it will be there soon.  Right now people are trying to do what they can to limit global warming as much as possible before its too late

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