
Buy a phone on one network and buy a plan on another?

by  |  earlier

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I have my heart set on the BlackBerry 8800, but it's not available on the Verizon network, and I can't switch networks. Is there any possible way to buy the BlackBerry 8800 and then buy a plan for it from Verizon?




  1. hi friend maybe u can go to this shop

    you must find what do you want .

    good luck!!

  2. I can't see any reason why you wouldn't be able to do what you want but I think that you need the CDMA version of the 8800, the 8830. You can buy just the phone from many sources online including Amazon and ebay. But before you do, call Verizon and ask them if you can use that phone with their service. They'll let you know all the relevant info.  

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