i have a daughter, shes 28 and has 4 children, I love my grandkids very much, they are unique in their ways, My oldest grandson had a birthday a couple months ago , he is 7 and i bought him a new bike, he is very adventurious and curious and just a boys boy, he gets along well with others and has many friends, my younger grandson just had a birthday a few days ago, he turned 6, and I bought him an action figure set that he has wanted, he has mild autism, has a temper problem, does not get along well with others and is happiest by himself, I love both the boys equally but think they are both different in their own ways, they each have their own way of making me laugh and stealing my heart. The problem is my daughter thinks I should have bought my younger grandson a bike also, because I bought the older one a bike. I think I should buy the kids gifts that I think goes with their personalitys, the younger one is not quite ( I hate to say it but, mentally mature enough) to ride a bike. And I dont want to see him hurt. But my daughter thinks that I should buy all the kids the same thing so they dont fight, or their feelings dont get hurt by getting something different. But isnt that how we grow and get along? By being different? Any input is appreciated