
Buy motorcycle during winter for low price?

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Ok. I'm not talking about going to a dealership right before they close down and get about a couple hundred bucks discount. I'm not looking to buy a ninja 250 for $2000 off a dealership after two hours of haggling. I'm looking to buy a 2001-05 R6 or CBR 600RR or ZX6R or gixxer 600 for about $2000. Yea, that sounds ridiculous but dont you think this will probably be possible during winter if I find someone on craigslist willing desperately to get rid of their bikes. I'm looking for a ridiculously nice deal. Or I cant afford a motorcycle. Has anyone you know gotten this lucky during winter? Please share




  1. I'm pretty sure a lot of people will not agree with me but, I truly think it's possible. After all, anything is possible. You may or may not be able to find one in the winter as I personally do not think that seasons play that major of a role in one's decision to SELL a bike. Just keep an eye out and do lots of research. As you mentioned, craigslist is a nice place to search. Also look on eBay, motorcycle magazines, the classifieds in your newspaper/Thrifty Nickel/Dandy Dime. Put the word out that you are looking for a bike, keep searching, don't give up, and I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for. Best wishes!

  2. While off-season deals are out there, you have to be realistic.  You're NOT going to grab one of those rice-rockets from a dealer for those numbers; it just ain't gonna happen.

    Search out some old-f**t who never rides his scoot.  I just bought a sweet 2005 VTX1300R with 500 miles on it for $6k.  The dude (a 70-something) parked it in his garage and waxed the sh*t out of it but only road it to the dealership to be serviced -- not that it needed service in the first place.  He never even removed the annoying safety labels from the tank!  Ennyhoo, I snagged a scoot that he paid over $12k for (lots of extras!) 2 years ago for half price.  THOSE are the REAL deals.

  3. doesnt happen

  4. Yes,I got my 07 ZX-6R in November for £5100 cash,more than two grand off retail at £7200.

  5. Realistically, no.  Why, because the bikes you want are not commuter or general fare.  They are enthusiast's machines.  Enthusiast's are willing to go the extra it takes to get state of the art and then they abuse them.  And still, they don't give them away.

    You are looking for the older guy that bought a bike to save gas mileage, drove his twice, garaged it, and it's sat for a couple of years.  $2000.

    Excellent cruisers, or even vintage "sport tourers", can be found for a couple of grand at times.

    If you can find one, the 1984 to 1986 Honda Nighthawk S is rather sporty, has a superb engine, almost maintenance free with hydraulic lifters and a drive shaft.  Bought my last one for $1250, and it was an awesome machine, with plenty of go.  It's not a GXSR or RR, but it is highly respectable on the street.

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