
Buy new contacts brand with same (or similar) BC & DIA?

by  |  earlier

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I am thinking of trying out a new brand of contacts, buy them online...

I currently have BC 8.6 & DIA 14.2

Thinking of buying some with the same measurements. Any issues with this? Should they fit and feel the same as my curent ones?

What if I choose a slightly smaller or larger contact? 8.5 & 14, would they fit and feel different?

If contacst don't fit properly what is the risk? Just unconfortable?

Same Power, of course?




  1. no, the fitting will be differnet. And wearing the lenses wouldn;t be so comfortable

  2. You must have a written prescription for contact lenses that have been finalized by your doctor. You can not order different brands with the same base curve and diameter.

    I have personally tried the same RX in different BC and different brand lenses and have seen a little differently from one to another.There are many different materials used to make contact lenses and you may not be comfortable in each one. Certain brands-for me-make my eyes drier than others.

    Bottom need a prescrition for a doctor. The online place will want to verify the RX with your doctor anyways.

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