
Buying A 6 Week Old Puppy.?

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What Type Of Things Will A Puppy Miss Out On If They Are Adopted At 6 Weeks?




  1. Well they really need to be left with their mothers until they are at-least 8 weeks old. I got my dalmatian puppy when he was 6 weeks and I notice that he missed out on learning when he is playing to hard, and now he wants to constantly bite and if he was left with his mother she would have learned him that he cant play bite really hard. So if you can leave the puppy with his mother until he is 8 weeks.

    Proper Socialization is where you need to socialize the puppy to just about everything, including kids, other dogs, people who will be around you etc....

  2. life training from its  mother...

  3. The first thing they will miss is the added immunity from mother's milk, as they are still in the weening process.  A puppy's own immune system doesn't really start kicking in until 7 weeks, which is part of why many US states have laws saying you cannot sell pups away from their mother until 7 or 8 weeks at least (varies by state).  If you get a pup that young, you need to be very on top of its vet care and vaccinations since it is such a fragile time for them.

    After that, they are missing some of the socialization that normally comes from their siblings and their mother, which is why many breeders will not allow pups to leave their mother and their siblings until they are at least 10 or 12 weeks old.  Some dogs grow to have separation anxiety that stays with them for the remainder of their life from being taken too young, which can include weird behaviors like attempting to nurse/suckle on blankets.  It's possible that the dog also will have issues with dog-dog interactions and boundaries during play, since that is something puppies learn and establish with their littermates during that time of socialization.

    The last major thing I have is that if you are purchasing from a breeder, it can be an indication that other things may not be right.  The most responsible breeders are the least likely to let a pup leave so young, so if they are voluntarily selling at such a young age then you may need to wonder where else they have cut corners, such as breeding, weening and the general health or genetic disposition of the dogs.

    Opinion-wise, the only real time I think it's okay to take a pup that young is when it is medically necessary, such as illness or rejection by the mother, or abandonment.  Though, in some cases rejected or "found" (abandoned) puppies can be taken to a temporary foster where another mother dog that has recently had a litter adopts the little orphan and gets him through that time period.  Of course, if the pups are in an abusive home that can make it necessary to remove them early as well, as unfortunate as the situation is all around.

  4. 6 weeks is too early - they need proper socialization

  5. You should never take a puppy away from mom before 8 weeks.  10 to 12 weeks is better.  Please check out this web site; it explains a puppies development and socialization.

  6. Training from it's mother, learning to interact properly with other dogs by being with it's littermates, Learning not to bite cause you will get bit.confidence. All sorts of things. I wouldn't take a dog that was removed from it's mother at 6 weeks of age. Not worth all the extra work, when you can get a good dog 2 or 3 weeks later that has learned all those important things.

    Proper Socialization is learning how to interact with other dogs, people etc.

  7. As long as it was being socialized, it should be okay to get the puppy at that age. We breed chihuahuas  and chihuahua mixes and we make sure they are friendly and socialized before adopted.

  8. For starters, it is illegal in many states, and for good reason. The mom dog teaches the puppies the basics of potty training so they are easier to house break. They learn doggy manners so they don't bite as much.

    Most important, they have time to build immunity of their own by getting their puppy shots, so when they go to their new home they are less at risk from catching deadly diseases like Parvo.

    Socialization is learning how to deal with other dogs and people in a way that is generally acceptable to people. That is why so many pet store puppies have so many personality issues, they are taken from their moms too young, sent to a warehouse to be cleaned and fattened up, and never been allowed to learn how to be proper dogs.  

  9. yeah mostly just socialization, pups are usually weened at about 5 weeks, so it has all the immunities it is gonna get from moms milk.  So it will just miss out on socialization that's if it is even with its siblings if not take it now, less chance of it getting sick if it is in a shelter or puppy store environment.  oh and if you are paying extra for any vaccines, don't be fooled.  Any vaccines given to a puppy younger than 8 weeks are pointless.  The mothers immunities last until then, rendering any vaccines useless.

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