
Buying Phone Online At Wal-Mart?

by  |  earlier

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I Want To Purchase a phone online at wal-mart and there prices are really good should i get it online at Wal-Mart any past experiences with buying a phone online at Wal-Mart Would Help.




  1. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...

  2. Will you stop commenting me, i dont even know you dogg. besides yo broke *** is buying phones from wal mart. its dumb to talk mess about somebody a billion miles away from you. stupid.

  3. 1. go intu the store& look & tuch reel fones.

    & yu kan get it theer in 5 minuts without half our fiting the internet.

  4. buddy u don't have to be soo ******* roud. dun answer if u can't say something nice. up yours

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