
Buying/Renting in Europe?

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I am selling my flat this year and i really would like to move to Europe permanantley

Which is more popular buying or renting

I dont really have a destination at the moment i just really want to leave Scotland but my flat basically left me with no money at the end of the month so not sure if renting would be a better option for me




  1. It largely depends on where in Europe, both on a country and even an area level, so it's impossible to say one or the other for the whole of continental Europe

    Like the first person said, if you are moving then look to rent first until you find your feet and are 100% sure you can commit to living abroad (look at how many Brits moved to Spain and France and within a year were either back or wanting to come back because they couldn't find employement or didn't like it there afterall)

    I would say, read a bit, narrow doen your choices e.g. what languages if any do you speak?  Then when you have some idea where you want to go then go on an extended holiday there.  Instead of having the normal holiday, go there with a view to living and working - check out the available jobs for you in your area of work, and then check out the accomodation prices & availability.  Also try to talk to the locals to get tips, and get a real feel for the place

    Often the idea of living abroad is more attractive than the reality, so take care that it is really something you want before you make commitments such as giving up your current way of life.

  2. rent to start with

    the trouble with buying, at least in France, is that it can take several years to sell.  If I had thought about it more, I would have rented instead of buying immediately.

    It is NOT like the UK where it is relatively easy to sell.  Here the estate agents charge from 5% to 10%

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