
Buying a 2007 SV650 from dealership?

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first time motorcycle buyer

im currently looking a sv650 at a dealership, me and my dad have talked to the sales person, and he gave us the price of 7600 originally, but then backed it down to 7300 (took off incentives and stuff)

MSRP is 6000

and taxes added on are about 500

licensings are about 200

but the part that me and my dad are questionable about are the handling fees and stuff which are 900

total = 7600



would that be a good deal for a 2007 sv650 or would it be possible to go lower?




  1. You and your dad need to play hard ball with this guy!! First of all you guys need to realize no one pays full MSRP on a dealer bike, especially one that's closing in on 2 years old! The only things you should pay on this is for the actual bike (which should be more around the $5,400-5,600 mark) and the sales tax AND THAT'S IT! This clown is trying to tack on more fluff to bump his comission up. All that liscensing, prep, freight, handling, and whatever else they want to throw in there is all just B.S. If he doesn't want to budge, take your business somewhere else. I'm sure he's not the only Suzuki dealer in your state. These are pretty popular bikes, so if he still has one sitting around from that long ago, chances are good a lot of other people have told this guy to go pound salt when he hit them with the price tag.

  2. BOOO !!!!

    DO NOT pay that much for that bike. It's officially 2 years old, now that the '09 models are out. I bought a brand new 2006 SV650 in June 2007 for $5300 plus tax. The whole deal was still under $6000.  

  3. I just ran into a guy last month that got one for $5000 out the door. Admittedly that is an awesome price that you probably won't match, but $7300 is too much. Keep looking. I drove a couple hours each way to get my new bike a couple weeks back and saved almost $4000!! Play the dealers against each other.  

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