
Buying a car, advice needed? What would you do?

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Is it just me or am I just a person that doesn't trust people.. What would you do? My mom tells me to trust a little and give the lady the money - she won't s***w you.. Here is the deal. Lady is selling a car and she owes about 5K on it.. She wants me to give her 5K cash ( of which I have ) and she will write me a bill of sale on the car.. Then, I leave and go home and wait to hear from her a week later when title arrives in mail.. I am suppose to trust that? I am suppose to trust the she will pay her loan off with the cash I give her? She is to then get the title becuase the loan is paid and then sign that Title over to me and give me the car and title a week later? People actually do this and trust this scenario? I told her NO WAY.. I told her pay off the loan with your own money and then call me when you get the title.. Is their another to do this without having the risk of me being burned?




  1. There is a way to do this, Go with her to pay for the car, and right then have her sign the title right in front of the dealer. That way he can notorize the document right there and then. That way you have the car and the title right in your hand. Don't trust anyone who does it the way that she wants to, you will get burned. I also have had this happen when I was younger and almost got it for stolen vehicle. Don't be stupid. If she won't do it this way, you don't want the car that bad.

    Good Luck

  2. to put it simply, if you don't trust the deal, don't do it

  3. Not really... Unless she is someone you really trust the best thing to do is not get involved. Ask her if she's willing to take out another small personal loan to pay off the lien, and then when she gets the title you'll give her the 5K to pay off the personal loan.

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