
Buying a house - going to the solicitors?

by  |  earlier

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We are buying a house and theres been loads of mess ups so far and its driving me mad cos just want to get moved in now, we first put the offer in at the beginning of April and are still waiting!

We've now got through the okay from the mortgage company and now have to go to the solicitors - what will this be far and how long would you say it will be until we finally get the okay to move in - the house were moving into is empty.





  1. The norm is 2-3 months for a house move so yours is taking a bit longer but not too bad...I know people that have waited 6 months!!

    It's just really frustrating when you want to get in. Alot of what the solicitor does is check the property. They have to do lots of searches which takes time but it looks into the land the property stands on, any retrictions, if planning permission wasn't sought on any alterations etc so its lengthy but worthwhile. They can uncover lots of issues like sewage problems right of access, if there are any debts tied to the land etc.

    We had a close friend do our conveyencing and it still took 3 months to move in even though the house was empty and we were first time buyers so were free to move asap.

    Just be's better then uncovernig something nasty in a years time!!

    oh and good luck x

  2. it took me almost 2 months after making an offer , jumping through all the hoops then finally closing , i couldnt believe how long it took

  3. I can take absolutely ages.  Take a tip from me, if you have problems with your solicitors, don't ring them - actually visit the offices if you can, they'll soon get fed up with seeing you and will want to sort out your problems as soon as possible.  Good luck with the move

  4. It takes ages.

    There has to be a lot of legal stuff to do, the bestthing is to ask for a progress report from the Solicitor to be emailed to you once a week, usualy on a Wednesday so if there are any problems you can get them sorted before the weekend

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