
Buying a house on back taxes

by Guest31833  |  earlier

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we know some one that does not want there house and just wants it sold on back taxes so my husband would like to pay the taxes and get it we went to the court house to get some information on it and was told by one person that you can not put a lien on the house just for paying back taxes and a different person said we can. we can not just buy it from the one that as it right now tried that thy will not sell it to us




  1. If the gov't has taken the house, becuz or taxes, then they place it up for bids, that's when you can try to get it. However, if they're still paying on it, and haven't paid the taxes,  then it is not for sale until they put it up for sale. It is theirs. Then, you have to take the note and taxes and make arrangements to pay it all, just like a car. (loan for entire balance and then pay the loan off, unless you have all that cash somewhere.)

  2. You could only get the property for back taxes if you bought it at a sale conducted by the local tax collector.  If you just paid the back taxes and got a deed from the current owner, you would be responsible for the mortgage.  The mortgage holder will probably pay the back taxes and either add it to the mortgage or foreclose.

  3. You need to be very careful here. Please get attorney to help you. You could end up putting up the money for the house then not have a clear title. Tread careful.

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