
Buying a motorcycle for the first time do you experienced riders have any tips??

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I want to buy a new 2008 Kawasaki Ninja 600r this will be my first bike as I am a beginner. Does any experienced bike buyers have any tips or suggestions to get the price lower if possible and any thing else I should know ...Thanks




  1. "BEFORE" you buy it, get an insurance quote (using the bikes vin number)

    ok, no problem, you can afford the insurance

    next ask the dealer for a written down price quote and tell him you're going to shop around for the best price

    make the dealer know you have the money or the good credit rating to finance the bike, fill out a credit application to make sure the dealer knows you're serious about buying one.

    next: go to other dealers and show them the price quote and ask them to beat it, if the next dealer beats it, then call the first dealer and tell him and maybe he will lower is price and beat that deal and so on and on.

    make more than one dealer fight for the sale

    dealers LOVE serious buyers and they will drop the price, but its up to you to convince the dealer you are a serious buyer

  2. tell the dealer that you got a lower quote at another dealership, that will make them lower the price for sure. and don't listen to people telling you not to get a sport bike as a first bike, it's your money, you get what you want! good luck!

  3. i got a 600 cruiser for my first bike. Its a big bike for a little girl like me but i love it. just practice before going out on the road and get a feel for your bike and i think you will do fine. most dealerships will let you try it out in their parking lot or whatever so take it out and see if its really what you want.

  4. The great thing about America is you can buy what ever you want.

    You may not be around to pay it off

    Sport bikes are not for beginers

  5. A Ninja may not be the best choice for a first bike, a standard or a cruiser might be better until you get some miles. Don't get anything too small either, a 250 Rebel may be good for practice in an empty school lot but not for a busy road. If there is a motorcycle safety course near you I suggest you take it, not only does it give important tips but your insurance may give you a discout rate too.

  6. Anything else you should know?  Yes, but you won't listen anyway.

    The advice is to not buy that bike as your first one.  Get a USED SV650 or similar bike that is more forgiving for your learning curve.  I guarantee you DO NOT possess the skills necessary to ride a motorcycle, and that 600 will do exactly what you unintentionally tell it to, including crash.

    But go ahead and ignore me and the others, buy your crotch rocket, and as the asphalt goes flying past with bits of your flesh stuck to it, remember that We Told You So.

  7. Im not going to say you shouldnt get a ninja 600, what I will say is dont get a BRAND NEW anything to learn on.  Look for a good condition used older model bike, something you wont cry about when you drop it learning.   Also please be sure to look up your local motorcycle safety foundation course, most places you dont even need a bike to take it they will provide you with one....  the local bike our msf class used were Buel 500cc.   I would suggest these would be a good starter bike for you to look into.

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