
Buying a new car while on food stamps?

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Co-worker and her husband have bought 2 vehicles in the past 5 months. A 1997 Geo and most recently a 2002 Honda Civic, yet they come in (work at grocery store) and buy groceries with food stamps. First, how can they afford to buy these cars if they need food stamps? And second, wouldn't the vehicles disqualify them for the food stamps? They've been on food stamps for about 6 months now. I'm asking because me and my husband can't get on food stamps because we make too much and her husband makes around what mine does and she makes the same as me? I'm confused... They already had vehicles that worked... How were they approved? (in TN)




  1. They either lied on their application or, when they filed for Food Stamps they actually did qualify. Buying a car or two will not disqualify you from getting food stamps. Actually, it is a good thing that they are doing that. Most people who get food stamps spend their cash on drugs or parties. The food stamps will run out eventually and they will have to pay cash for food.

  2. obama probably co-signed for them.... you know, that is change.

  3. Vehicles no longer count against you for food stamps. If they have more people in their home the income limits would be higher. Here is a website showing the maximum gross income limits . If you have good credit you can get a good interest rate and have low payments and afford to get a new car while on food stamps but it doesn't mean that is it a good idea.

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