
Buying a puppy when trying for a baby?

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We have been trying for a baby now for almost a year and we are thinking of buying a s**+ Tzu puppy as we both love dogs and have wanted one for ages, but is it the right time to buy a dog? maybe it will take my mind of trying so hard to concieve? I worry that if we buy a puppy and then i fall pregnant that having a dog around a baby is'nt a good idea? we are married and both in our late 20's living in a house with a backgarden, please could i have your thought's. Thanks




  1. personaly, i would wait. animals and babies can be complicated. dogs can all have different demeaners, which can change. and you have to vacuum like 3 times as much, deal with barking that may wake baby up and such. but then again if you got one now you would have planty of time to prepare, i am a huge animal lover so this is a tough one for me. if we didnt have my son i would probably be a crazy cat lady. lol

  2. We were the same way, except we weren't really trying for a baby. It was more "if it happens, it happens". We bought a new beagle puppy in May of last year and found out I was pregnant the beginning of August. She's great with our baby, though, and never really bothers him.

    It's sometimes hard having pets and a new baby(we also have a cat) but I think it's great that him and our dog will grow up together. I believe as long as you set boundaries then things will work out fine. We introduced our dog to our baby little by little. Now he can be playing on the floor and she'll just come up to sniff him and be on her way.

    If you want to do this, go for it. Like you said, it may take your mind off TTC for awhile and that may be a good thing. Many couples seem to conceive when they're just having "fun" instead of thinking of it as a job. Good luck in whatever decision you make!

  3. hmm, on the one side, its not so bad to have a puppy to get you to relax, but I have cats and believe me pets are not so much fun when you have a baby in the house because babies are so much work. I would love to not have to worry about my cats scratching my daughter or something. A dog would make me more worried, because honestly a baby is more alpha than a dog and not all pets can take that.

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