
Buying a used car in Canada?

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I'm very new in Canada. Moved from the U.S.

How does the car buying process work in Canada? Do I need to verify if the car has passed emissions before I purchase and get some sort of documentation from the seller? What is the autocheck/carfax equivalent in Canada?

Can you please briefly mention in sequence how the entire process should work? I don't want to miss something important that I should have done and regret later.




  1. If you are purchasing privately, the seller will obtain a "Seller's package" from the DMV, which will have the vehicle's history, such as accidents, how many owners, etc. Or you can also obtain one with the vehicles VIN number. You will be required to have the vehicle pass a Safety test and an Emissions test(depending on where you live) before you may register the vehicle for a license plate and stickers. Generally, most insurance companies will grant you temporary insurance, so you may get a Temporary Plate permit, in order to make sure all necessary repairs and tests are done to the vehicle. You also need valid insurance in order to be able to register said vehicle. This info is only good in Ontario, as other provinces have their own rules and regulations. Good Luck.

  2. Tell us what province you're in, because motor vehicle stuff is a provincial thing and every province will be a little different.

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