
Buying an M4 before going into marines

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I plan on joining the Marine Corps after graduating from high school, I wanted to know a good basic M4 that I could save up for and have my father buy so I could go to the shooting range and become comfortable with the gun.

Thanks for any advice




  1. You are probably looking for something like this:

  2. I would recommend that you not buy a rifle as A: The cost is too much for something you are only going to use a few times you won't be able to have it in the barracks or on deployments. B: You will teach yourself a lot of bad habits that are harder for the instructors at field and weapons to teach you. The DI's and Field instructors will teach you everything you need to know about the rifle and proper shooting techniques. If you think you know about the rifle when you go in it's almost guaranteed you'd be made to look stupid.....

  3. Jarrod's got it right.  Buy guns after you get your training.  It's harder for them to teach you to shoot to kill after you've ingrained yourself with your own ideals.  Afterwards, buy as many weapons as you like.  See if I care.

  4. theyre usually between $800-$2000 so unless u have the money u aint gettin one) also theyll familiarize you with one you wont even need to buy one but if ur bent on it look up brands like


    DPMS Panther


    rock river

    remington (all they have is the R-15 though)

    Smith and Wesson M&P's

    id recommend bushmaster, ive shot it at the shooting range and i love it! theres not much kick at all and the trigger pull is very smooth. theres nothing to be afraid of and the gun is very easy to be comfortable with. PS: dont listen to all these video game nerds who think they know the answer based off of Call of Duty 4

  5. I suggest the M4A1 or the M4A2

  6. Hey man don't go waisting you money on a gun. You'll learn all about the M-16 at boot camp and then be issued one when you get to the fleet and depending on what job you get usually squad leaders or staff or higher get m-4's so don't go waisting your monet becasue it over a thousand for a good one.

  7. You cannot legally buy an M4 without a NFA permit.

    What you want is an AR15 rifle. There are dozens to choose from. Bushmaster and Rock River Arms are two good examples. Visit your local gun store.

    By the way, you don't really need an AR15 to practice. They cost between $800 to $1500. The Marine Corps will teach you everything you need to know.

    Good luck, and thanks for your service.

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