
Buying an assault rifle legally?

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Can i buy an assault rifle legally im talking about M4, M16 A4, you know, the guns used in the army. I am over 21, but what will i have to do? please give me all the info i need.




  1. Go to this link and buy one of these:

    Find a dealer in your area who will accept transfers, and ask him if it's legal in your area.  Then get a blue ink copy of his FFL license, and mail it along with payment to the auction host.

    Ammo is much cheaper than the M4, and it's just as fun to shoot.  Guaranteed to give Dianne Feinstein a heart attack.

  2. Yes you can depending on what state you live in. Im 18 and I bought an AK 47. They have to approve you, and make sure you dont have any felonies. Just walk into a gun store and buy it, and sign some stuff. and leave with your new gun.

  3. You can buy the civilian versions (semi-auto only). A waiting period, cost of background checks, and possibly registration fee will depend upon the state that you live in. Might be a little tough in Uber Liberal California, Mass, Maryland, NJ, NY and other similar dysfunctional political h**l holes. In some states, you will be able to walk out same day with your new rifle. Your local gun shop will be able to give the info specific to your state. Good Luck.

    Hey Lucy Smith, I have never tried to kill anyone with any of my numerous rifles, only a pistol. Lucky for him he was a fast runner.

  4. These are all uncommon models.  The easiest way to own originals would be to look for form 4 "transferable" ones, but they will be hard to find and very costly.  I would be willing to bet that each would be over $20,000.  Then of course each requires the $200 tax stamp, BATF paperwork, and time.

    If you can settle for semi auto copies, there are a lot cheaper options.  There are AR-15's made or that can be made to look like the M4 or M16A4.  They will cost a lot less are not any more intensive to purchase than any other typical long gun.

  5. Some states don't allow fully automatic rifles, so you would have to settle for semi-auto. But yes assault rifles are legal in all 50 states. The major manufacturers are dpms, rock river arms, and armlite. Since most states have outlawed automatic rifles, almost all "black guns" are semi-auto and more than likely you'll have to buy a special kit to convert it to fully auto. So check the regulations in your area before you buy.

  6. Assault Rifle?? Do you mean a civilian version or a full auto firearm.... The full auto assault rifles are difficult to get but not impossible. As others have pointed out its a paperwork nightmare and at least for most law abiding citizens its way to much of a hassle......

    Here are some civilian versions of the rifles you refered to. These are perfectly legal in most states (not Kalifornia) and a few other communist enclaves like the city of chicago and a couple of other places....

    AR15 rifles at J&G Sales....

    Rock River Arms....


    Here is a better forum for your question.....

  7. You can't get a selective fire (full auto or burst capable) weapon all that easily. They are extrememly expensive since there are no new ones available for civillians so you'd need one that's pre- 1986 or older and have to get all the paper work to go with it.

    If you want an M4orgery just go to and look at what folks are doing with semiauto AR 15 carbines.

    If you aren't in a ban state it's just like buying any other firearm with a federal background check.

    I have an AR carbine and with the price of ammo I couldn't afford to feed it for very long if it was selective fire.

    Good luck


  8. Why? I'm ex-military and I wouldn't trust my cat's life to these models. Besides, you'd have to register with the ATF and deal with the usual drudgery of Federal Uncle Sam in your buisness. General Patton believed the M1 Garand was the "Finest battle-implement ever..." I'm sure he rolled over in his grave when the M16 was put into service.

    Get a bulgarian milled-receiver 7.62x39. It will jam less often than Hillary smiles off-camera, and it's RUGGED. On you tube they roll over one with a humvee and IT STILL FIRED. Try that with an M4

  9. i am sure that SOMEWHERE, you can legally buy 1.

    My question is, WHY would you be asking this question, in this forum ?  ASSAULT rifles are not legal to hunt with, unless you alter the magazine, so as to comply with hunting laws.

  10. Transferrable M16's go to the order of $16-18,000 right now for colt's used to new some go for over $20,000 for those that wanted to know.

  11. Why don't you just get a AR-15 it is the civilian version of the M-16 you can get one that looks just like a M-4 but with a 16 inch barrel for under 1,000$.Plus you don't have to sign over your rites to the BATF like you do when you legally buy a machinegun.

  12. In Texas all you have to do is the Brady Bunch paperwork and if your clean, pay the bill and go.

    As for you lucy.smith23, I own a few "assult style rifles" and I have never killed anybody.

    You must have us law abiding citizens mistaken for the crack dealer down the street from you.

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