
Buying an electric guitar?

by Guest67028  |  earlier

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I want to buy a new electric guitar. I play mostly classic rock and clean stuff. Which guitar is best for me?

Epiphone Les Paul Standard Plain Top Electric Guitar

Epiphone Les Paul Classic Quilt Top

Or these. And if I got these, I would replace the pickups with about $80 pickups.

Epiphone G-400 Electric Guitar

Epiphone Vintage G-400 Electric Guitar

Epiphone LP-100 Electric Guitar

I want a guitar that would last quite a while and would sound very good. Which choice should I go with?




  1. les paul classic because i'v been playing guitar for 5 years and i own one, and its very good!

  2. go with the les paul quilt top

  3. You just don't pick out a look you think would be good!!

    go down to the music store and play all the available guitars in stock. go to the pawn shops and play all the guitars just out of pawn. Then you can decide which one you really want right now.

    My brother has about one of each, but for years went to pawn shops for "new" guitars. He got some excellent bargains that way.

    At the music stores they love to have musicians in to try their instruments. It usually results in increased sales!! Some have practice rooms or areas as well.

    The only reason for a guitar not to last 25 or 50 years is if you use it as an equalizer and smash someone with it.

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