
Buying an engagement ring from the US, will I need to declare this when returning to England?

by Guest62434  |  earlier

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It will be max value $8000 any import tax, or best to slip into my hand luggage.




  1. Why don't you just wear it and pretend it's you engagement ring or get your partner to wear it.

    Don't put it in your hand luggage you'll probably lose it.

  2. I believe that I am correct (and am prepared to be corrected if wrong) in saying that the personal allowance (free of tax) is £145.  Beyond that you would need to pay (a) import duty and (b) VAT on the balance.

    Import duty for gold, silver or platinum jewellery is 2.5% and VAT would be chargeable at the standard rate of 17.5%.  So at a rough estimate, your $8000 ring would be subject to tax of about $1500.

    I guess if you were feeling fraudulent you could always wear it as you go through customs.  Naturally, that would probably not work if you are male, though - and in any case, I couldn't possibly advise this downright despicable course of action, since it would be illegal....

    Check out the HM Revenue & Customs website ( which should clear up any doubts about this.

  3. s***w those guys.

  4. slip it in you hand luggage bugger paying tax when you dont have to!

  5. I would just slip it into my carry on, and hope the government wishes you luck on your future nuptials . Good luck on your future nuptials.

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