
Buying baby stuff, crib, change table, dressers, strollers, etc. - BUY NEW OR USED????

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Well, I am just over 19 weeks and starting to think about buying some of this bigger stuff for my baby.

How many of you bought new? Did you wish you would have just looked for used stuff seeing as to how much it all costs?

How many of you bought used? Did you regret it and wished you bought new?

Any tips on buying this stuff for a first time new mom to be would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!




  1. I would really suggest that you purchase all of those things new. Because so many baby items have recalls these days and if you buy it used you will never know. Especially when you purchase something new, fill out the info card and mail it to the company, they will give you updates on recalls and products. This way they keep you informed with the products that you have. Especially car seats, you dont know if they have been in a car accident or not. That wouldn't be good.  good luck and congrats!

  2. Buy everything you can used in good condition. It costs a fortune otherwise. Or you could co-sleep and cot cost a crib, use a dresser for a change table and there's one more item gone, buy a carrier or sling which is usually cheaper than a get the idea but seriously, used items are just as good as new if you take time to shop around and find nice ones.

  3. You should be careful buying things such as cribs and carseats used, due to a lot of recent recalls, plus car seats have expiration dates.  As for other things, I would just make sure to inspect it very well before purchasing!  I got all my daughters stuff new, except for her dresser drawers which I got at a used furniture store.  You can definitely try a store called Once Upon A Chid if you have those where you live.  Its a used baby item store and they are pretty good about only taking quality items.

  4. When buying baby items such as a crib stroller changing table mattress I always felt to buy it new unless you know the person who previous owned it.Younever know where second hand stuff has been.

  5. i'm almost 30 weeks along with my first.  I'm fortunate enough to have generous family members and I'm able to afford to welcome our baby with new things.  I don't think i would take or buy anything used unless I knew who it was coming from and how old it was.  I didn't compare used prices, but I did do a lot of research and shopping around so that I was paying the best prices for what i wanted.    

  6. If you buy a used crib, make sure it's up to date and has the proper regulations. Things change over the years for safety reasons. Make sure it is sturdy as well. I bought a used crib. I paid $50 for it. Then I was looking at the US walmart website and I saw a much nicer one for $120...oh well lol.

    I wouldn't buy something that has a lot of material (like a bassinet) used. Babies spit up and have diaper leaks. Yes, you can certainly wash it, but still lol.

    I bought a new stroller and carseat but if you buy one used, make sure it is also up-to-date. Here (Canada) I think carseats are only good for 6 years.

    A good tip, take an experienced Mom with you when you go shopping or you'll end up with so much you don't need! Trust me lol. I have stuff that was never even used..huge waste of money!

    Good luck and congratulations!

  7. things like carseats must be bought new but i borrowed a crib my son whose nine weeks only stayed in it for three weeks he muched preferred his cot so it was money well saved.Ive got a changing table but never use it but my son gets great enjoyment from his baby bath which  was also gave to me by a friend so that would be a good investment.Dont buy to much ive already gave away two large bags of newborn clothes which baby didnt even get to where much.Instead of buying a baby bouncer i bought a swing which is great for getting my baby off to sleep when his cranky and i dont turn it on when his in good form

  8. i would per fer new stuff such as cribs ,clothes ,strollers ,and all other thing that the baby needs because somtimes used stuff can have very bad things on it from different things from other baby or familes like sickness colds and very dirty things . not to make you feeel bad but its your baby  and how you want to let your baby live i hope you and your baby has the best of love and peace  

  9. I had a baby shower, so I received most of those as gifts.

    But I would suggest buy everything used, except the car seat and crib (they get recalled alot). I bought used "stuff" for my parents' house (extras) and you can find very good quality used baby items...just shop around.

  10. The only thing you really need to buy new is the carseat.  You never want to use one that might have been in an accident (no matter how insignificant the accident.)  Everything else you can buy second hand.  Ask around to friends - you may be surprised how much you can borrow or get for free.  Just make sure the crib is fairly new and meets the current safety standards.  

  11. I bought all new with my first with the intention of using it again with my second. So I got my use out of it. My 2nd is just over a year now and I did buy her a new car seat,stroller, and high chair  but everything thing else her older brother had used first.

  12. it depends on ur budget

  13. OMGosh.  IF you can by used go for it!  I wish I would have looked in the local baby consignment store before I bought new.  There are so many things you can buy used that look brand new.  Your child isn't in some of that stuff for long and furniture is pretty durable.  Start looking now for the big things at a baby consignment shop not like the goodwill.  Not that there is anything wrong with that but it is so much easier to go to one spot to get exactly what you need instead of search though all the other unnecessary stuff.  PLus when you have your baby shower you will get a lot of the things new for you.  Don't worry about things like that worry about the health of the baby.  All the other stuff will come in time.  Good luck!  

  14. A lot of the bigger items we received as shower gifts.

    I would buy the crib and mattress new.

    Stroller could be used as well as the dresser, changing table etc.  If you buy a low dresser you can use that as a changing table while your baby needs one.  

    Just make sure if you are buying used that you test it out to make sure there are no broken parts.  Look over them very carefully.


  15. Its usually reccomended that you buy baby s bedding new particularly the mattress to reduce the risks of cot death, and the car seat should be bought new too, just in case any second hand ones have been in an accident. However other things for baby can be bought used,its love warmth and food that is important, not all the other fancy expensive stuff that some may not be able to afford.

  16. its really up to you, and if you want to spend more money on all new things. it dosnt hurt to buy new when it comes to furniture, cause you can re sell it later on, but it definatly dosnt hurt to take hand me downs when it comes to clothes....its amazing how fast they grow and most baby toddler clothes are practicly new when out grown.

  17. We always bought a new car seat and a stroller for each of them.  They were so dirty and beat up, we wanted the new baby to have new.

    The crib and dresser were used.  Just make sure they meet up to today's safety specs and you'll be fine.  Buy a new mattress.

    We never had a changing table, we have 3 kids- never had one.  You really don't need one.

    I never regretted buying the way I did.

    If you're buying used, like I said, just make sure it meets the safety specs and is clean.

  18. well i got a lot of my stuff as hand me downs from people but i would have probably got stuff new. i had a crib that was a hand me down but some thing happend and something broke on it. so i had to go out a buy a new crib that was ok. then from the same person i got the changing table from them too.. my mom for my baby shower got me a dresser new, and my boyfriend mom got me a new stroller with a car seat.  if you want to save some money you can get a used changing table and a dresser and a stroller but i would by a new crib cause of the new laws about the cribs.. and never buy a used car seat get a new car seat but you can get a used stroller most car seats fits in most strollers.  

  19. My brother just had his first baby..  for the big items we went with used.  Many items were found on craigslist, some were hand me downs.   The crib mattress we went with new, the crib we went with used.  Used car seats, Used dresser with a nice new pad on top for a changing table due to limited amount of space in the rather small babys room.  

      Many things are ok for a baby to have when used.  They grow out of everything so rapidly. Just make sure to wash or sterilize everything and you should be fine.

    One of the items we wont be doing used is baby shoes.... not the cutesie little bitty things that are nothing more than cut cloth made to look like shoes, the hard soled shoes.  We wont be getting the baby any hard soled shoes since everyones feet are different and everyone walks differently.  But strollers, pack and plays, cribs, high chairs, bumper seats, baby carriers, anything like that if we can find it used or get it handed down its GREAT.   Diapers are expensive and if we can save money on the big stuff more money for diapers and formula.  

      Of course everything I bought and that was recieved for my nephew at his baby shower was new.


  20. This is why registries are so great- you can ask for things specifically as you'd like them.

    Here are the brand new items on our list: (and to use for my successive children too)

    Crib, mattress & bedding

    Changing table topper & pads (we already have the dresser)


    Car Seat

    Diaper Genie (I hear getting a used one is nasty!)

    Breast pump


  21. the crib we got form a consignment store with a new matress , never had  a changing table , we just used the bed with a blanket laid down . and when he got bigger and could roll over we just laid him on the floor . dresser was used ( a real good friend) , stroller consignment store , car seat , both came from the consignment store . no i dont regret it , it saved us money that was used for other thing that was needed . it just all depends on you , and how comfortable you are with it. all i did was make sure everything was sanitized before use . hope this helps

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