
Buying cigarettes in africa?

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im going to africa soon for just over a month (going to uganda and then gambia). Does anyone konw if they sell normal cigarettes over there or should i take my own packs. Im not really going on a holiday, im visiting severely underdeveloped areas with famine, starvation etc.

ALso how many cigarettes/packs can you take on a flight abroad? Im in africa for 34 full days, so would be wanting to take about 30/35 packs. whenever ive gone abroad ive always just bought f**s over there. i know this is a stupid thing to worry about but im not goin to quit so i might aswel get the issue sorted now! Also, plese dont say i shoudl quit, im not going to! x




  1. Travellers to Uganda over 17 years of age do not have to pay duty on 200 cigarettes or 227g tobacco, or a combination of 227g tobacco products; 1 bottle of wine or spirits; and 500ml of perfume or eau de toilette.

    You can buy cigarettes in Uganda - smoking is widespread.

    Stay safe....

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