I would like to start ordering my contacts online and I have a few questions. First, is 1800contacts.com really the best deal online? They say they are at least 2% less expensive, but I just want to make sure. Next is a question about my prescription. I have tried 3 different brands (Frequency 55, Acuvue Oasys, & a Bausch & Lomb type that's for overnight wear if u want to keep them in), but I haven't yet found the perfect pair yet. My question is- Is the prescription for every brand the same? Meaning can I use the prescription from the box I have now to order a different brand online? I hate having to go to my optometrist everytime I want to try a different brand! Lastly I would like to know your experiences/opinions/preferences for the following brands:
-Acuvue Advance
-Acuvue Oasys
-Frequency 55
-Fresh look
-O2 Optix
-Vertex Sphere