
Buying drinks for my girlfriend.?

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I am going on a Royal Caribbean cruise with my girlfriend one of my friends and his girlfriend, all of us will be above 21 except my girlfriend who will be 20. I will be using my charge card for everything, so if I go up and buy drinks for me and my girlfriend, which most guys do anyway would, they come ask for her ID or hassle us about it or anything. I’m just wondering how lenient they are about the drinking on the cruise as long as your still respectable.




  1. lets put it t his way. unless you bring your vehicle on the boat so you have the option of driving, they will not care. let me put it simpler, they will not care.

  2. I have been asked or have seen anyone been asked for IDs on a cruise.

  3. no one on the ship go around askin for id's, on my cruise they didnt

  4. Yes, they will check IDs. And according to their site:

    Guests who violate any alcohol policies, (over consume, provide alcohol to people under age 21, demonstrate irresponsible behavior, or attempt to conceal alcoholic items at security and or luggage check points or any other time), may be requested to leave the ship or not be allowed to board, at their own expense, in accordance with our Guest Vacation Policies.

  5. Technically it's against the rules.  They don't want you doing it, they don't want to have to catch you doing it.

    That said, if you're discrete and fly under radar, it's unlikely anyone will notice or care.  Don't talk about what you're doing, don't get wild and draw attention to yourselves.  As far as anyone is concerned, you're just a bunch of responsible adults with gentlemanly guys who buy all the drinks.

    Be ABSOLUTELY SURE the 20-year-old doesn't get drunk and into trouble.  If that happens, and security has to get involved, they WILL come down on you like a ton of bricks.

  6. It is against the drinking age policy BUT. I would suggest not hanging around the bar when she drinks, try the loungers and buy your first drinks at the bar and bring them over. Dont abuse the alcophol or they might check id's although to be honest there are many very drunk people that they dont really seem to be worried about it. I suppose if peope become unruly or begin fighting the situation would change

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