
Buying first dirt bike?!?!?!???

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Hey guys my friend at school has talked me into buying a dirt bike. He has a track at his house and when i get it im gonna go on trails and stuff and mess around on the track. He wants me t practice with him then race down in the city but i dnt know which bike to get. Im like 5'8" around 190 pounds and was looking at a CRF250 and a RMZ250. I have no idea which bikes better and even give me other suggestions on good bikes. Need answers quick please!!




  1. either one is a good bike for you

  2. CRF250 i personally think those are better it actully depends what you want ex:fast bike...lightweight bike for tricks and such sort trick bike is like  a SUDA SDX 250 fast bike is 70CC OR 200CC you should pick one of them

  3. I do like hondas but either of the bikes you are looking at would be fine for a first timer.  You are a good height and weight for both.  Just see what sort of deal you can get on both and let that guide you.  You can always upgrade once you have raced and have experience to something like a crf250r but you certainly do not need something like that for just trailriding and messing around.

    A four stroke is a good idea as they have more even power for a beginner than a 2 stroke.

  4. Since east coast assasin is an idiot both are 4 strokes not 2. Now a 4 stroke would probably be best for you just because there awesome lol. also, they are easier to maintain than a 2 stroke, will keeps its value longer, and will save you (alot) of money on gas in the long run. Also, go with the crf250 i personally think its better.

  5. East coast is a t**d and I agree to ride red. Both are good bikes though so I'd get the one that's the cheapest honestly.

  6. those are both 2-stroke bikes. even though you're not a tiny midget, they will be waaaaaay too fast for a beginner like you.

    get a 125 2 stroke or 250 4 stroke.

  7. Wow east coast assasin your  a true idiot both bikes he listed are four stroke bikes crF250 and rmZ250 and to answer dudes question get the Honda crf250 always always always RIDE RED

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