
Buying goods from America?

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I bought some clothes from America and they arrived this morning with a bill for import duty, V.A.T and a clearance fee. In all it totals £50, I've already paid £20 in postage and the clothing is only worth £70. I've bought stuff from America before and never had to pay these fees. Can anyone explain this to me?




  1. The same thing happened to me last time i bought something from America. This country is becoming corrupt, stupid VAT's and they dont even let us know before we purchase the product. I think the government wants us to purchase goods from England instead of buying it abroad. So next time you know it, go to america and buy plenty of clothes instead of buying it via the internet.

  2. That is a hidden tariff, I guess. Import duties are designed to keep domestic manufacturers from having to compete against foreign producers.

    Essentially, your government believes it should have a hand in how you spend your money.

  3. It happens...a pen friend sent me a Birthday gift and I had to pay tax on my own gift!

    There is a cut off point where you do not pay tax(but I have forgotten what it is)and it has to be a gift sent to or from a person. Something in my mind suggests from sending some DVD's to the USA it's a small amount like £21.

    You can check with Customs at their official site on the net and also with the British Post Offices website.

    I disagree with this but its as it is...and if you were doing something crooked you would not be likely to be sending it via a mail system that is easily checked.

    This is why I sometimes wonder if it's worth bothering  purchasing something on import unless it's really exclusive, special and unavailable anywhere else. It even happens to people who go on shopping trips to the States for Christmas bargains and pay for it when they get back to the airport in their own country.

    Sorry that it spoilt your enjoyment...

  4. Sorry,Little Pink Apple but you haven't been caught before! you must always expect to pay the tax unfortunately

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