
Buying items in mexico?

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I am moving to mexico for three months due to a study abroad program. My question is would it be cheaper to buy travel items(i.e. digital camera, sunglasses) in mexico or should I just buy them here before i leave? Would they have the same products but at discounted prices?




  1. i just got back(01/03/08) form there and it's about the same,and in somethings it's more like milk a gl is like $4.50usf if you buy them here in the us and take new things down there you'll need to pay a tax on them,so if you buy new ones from the us  take them out of ther boxes befor you go.and on pc they need to be more new then 98 cause then ther too old,and i looked at a laptop down ther it was 1,000usf ang up here it was saleing for 700 same one but less here.if i was you i'd buy here now so ther not so new for when you go for you don't have too pay taxes.  good luck

  2. I'm an American citizen who has lived in Mexico for over three years.  Just when I think I have it all figured out, I learn something new!  This past Christmas one of the Mexican managers wanted to get a Wii for his son.  Not only could none of the US managers find one in the US when they traveled there, but the prices quoted were always OVER retail.  Wouldn't you know it -- they were plentiful in Mexico and CHEAPER!

    My suggestion would be to think about your "stuff" in these ways -- now, three months isn't a long time, but it's long enough that you will miss certain things.

    1.  Stuff I really, really have to have and only love a specific brand and for which I would be upset if I had to pay high prices.

    2.  Stuff I need but don't need a specific brand and for which I would be willing to pay a reasonable price... and wouldn't be upset if I didn't find it right away.

    3.  Stuff that would be nice but wouldn't cause me pangs of longing if I never find it.

    If you ADORE a certain type of camera, buy it before you come... but recognize that it could also get lost, damaged, etc. while you are traveling. (In other words, don't bring anything on a trip that you're not willing to lose -- ie., the sentimental items like earrings gifted to you by your deceased grandmother.)

    If you need something right from the get-go -- buy it before you leave.  I don't know where you are moving in Mexico, but some study abroad locations are in more rural areas and you may not have Wal-Mart, Soriana, Gigante, City Club, Home Depot, Sears, Liverpool or some of the other major chains at hand.  That said, if you look long enough and hard enough, you can find almost anything and everything here -- although, alas, Nabisco Fig Newtons have been gone from the stores of Torreon for the last two years!

    Finally, purchasing everyday items here in Mexico actually adds to the experience and memories.  Searching through the stalls at the Mercado for the sunglasses you like can be one of the best cultural and language lessons you can have.  Plus, when you get home, you can share the story of the shopkeeper who, after you struggled to explain in your less than adequate Spanish for what you were searching, answered back in perfect English, "Oh sunglasses... yeah, we've got 'em.  Hey, where are you from?  I grew up in Detroit!"

  3. The Mexican Peso is much weaker than the American Dollar.  Although it takes some math, you can typically buy things cheaper there than the US.  They, like us, make comparible products.  As for Digital Cameras...  is awesome... good quality stuff.  I have a Cannon I bought from them, and a photographer girlfriend of mine bought a work camera there too.  Definitely buy (camera) while here, as you should not trust shipping in Mexico.  Although an American citizen, I grew up in Monterrey, Mexico.

  4. Buy them in the US, I live in Mexico and buy in the US. Sunglasses maybe, the knock offs in Tijuana are pretty good. Margaritas and other foods are cheap, electronic stuff, no.

  5. I am an American living in Mexico, clothes, electronics, cameras cheaper in the US. If you have a favorite brand of something...bring it with you.

    I miss some of the craziest things...horseradish, pork n' beans, Lil' Debbie snack cakes, sweet pickles (good ones) list goes on and on but you get the picture. If there is a special food that you love...bring it with you.

    Study hard and take some time to enjoy what Mexico has to offer. It is a great place...even without Lil' Debbie's...

  6. Depends On what you are going to buy (brands Wise) beacuse if they are made here in the states there might be an import cost. other than that they will basically cost the same.

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