
Buying on Ebay?

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Have you ever bought anything on ebay for $1? I mean it doesn't make sense on how I can get a new, working still-in-the-box 2GB Ipod Nano for $1? Are these type of auctions in which nobody bids scams?




  1. I have actually looked into the 2GB Nano for $1.... I found out that they make you sell 10 Nanos, then you can buy the one for a dollar...

    And, it's a lot more difficult than it sounds...

    GOOD LUCK!!!

  2. Did you read the fine print? :)

    Also, sometimes ebay sellers make the dollar price very small and the shipping price extra high to make up for it, even though this is against ebay's policies.

  3. I dont know that does sound to  good to be true when I see those kinds of things I make sure to read every single detail and usually shipping is a lot so check that and ask them as many questions as you need to, personally though I woulden't bid on it, I just dont trust things like that, but if you read all of the details try and see what happens and your always covered on ebay, if you pay through paypal.

  4. yopu have to read carefully some times there just sellin u a websites name and then u but the ipod for a low price
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