
Buying shares in Gold, Oil, McDonalds, Tesco, Coca-Cola?

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I have been doing quite abit of research on shares recently.

Im currently investing in Morley through Natwest.

But I want to independently buy shares myself in Gold, Oil, McDonalds, Tesco, Coca-Cola etc etc

My question is, what is the best way for me to do this properly.

I know about risk, falling and rising prices.

I just want to move my eggs around in different baskets.

All help is appreciated and I will give points for best answer.

Thank you in advanced.




  1. You need to add more information about your investing value. How much do you want to invest? Are you looking for long term investments or short term investments? How many trades are you looking to do per month? These are all determinants of which company you should use to purchase your shares.

    Also, gold is a commodity. Investing in gold usually involves an entirely different procedure. You could just go and purchase physical gold, but usually purchasing of commodities is limited to large traders, but there are some places to purchase if you have relationships with brokers.

  2. I am going to assume that you are in the UK ?

    Do a online search for " discount brokers ' who will alow you to do buys thru your computer, once you have set up a trading account with them.

    As to what to buy ?

    For the next few years, I'd stay away from anything that is a "luxury item " like travel companies, or cruise lines. People are going to be "pulling back " and spending on basics, not frills. Less travel by car, and less entertainment spending, so don't buy into a theme park.

    The basics are food, clothing, shelter, and health. Many people will be worried about their employment future, so they won't be splurging on luxuries. A lucky few will still be able to afford the holidays in the Greek Islands, but most will not.

    Look at the world economy. Many of the giants are about to fall. General  Motors is predicted to go into bankruptcy in 2009.  Starbucks is dumping 12,000 employees in the USA, and that is directly tied to the  fact that smart people are no longer able , or willing , to pay sky high prices for a coffee.

    Oil and gas and precious metals are all going to stay high in price, so why not own some of that ? Only one example is copper. It is used in many types of electronic devices, and is in constant demand, as is gold and platinum, and one that most people have never heard of .........Rodium . It is worth about $5,000 USD  AN  OUNCE, much more vauable than gold is . It is one of three materials found in automobile catalytic convertors.

    There will be a world wide contraction of the economy, which will see those that are debt heavy fall into ruin. Pay off all your  debts, as fast as you can, and pay cash in the future.

    If you have a mortgage find ways to pay it down, as much as you can.  Don't bet that house prices will continue to go up, they will start to fall soon., as those who are unemployed cannot make the monthly payments and try to sell. That will depress the  housing market, and drag down prices across the board.

    Employment is not secure any more, even those who work for governments. Private business owners will be hard pressed  no matter what sector they are in. With so many people not earning, the tax revenues will drop so  governments will reduce or eliminate social assistance payments to the poor. One such program will be the national health, which may be  cut to levels that would be thought impossible today.

    First world countries like the G8,  will  stop overseas  aid  programs, forced to do so by all the problems at home. Voters will no longer be willing to see billions  going to Africa, while people at home are starving . The same will apply to the arts and theatre and dance groups. They  have to find ways to finance their own programs.

    Bleak ? Yes but  the world is facing a new economic reality, one that isn't going away, any time soon . Oil will never go back to $50 a barrel, and the  one dollar package of smokes is as dead as the people who  are smoking  them  now.

    Jim B. Toronto.

  3. Their are various banks and building societies that have share buying account options. You invest money into an account and can then buy and sell shares as you please in real time on the internet.

    Barclays and Halifax are just two of many available or go to a stock broker.

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