
Buying skates ate kmart is that bad or what?

by  |  earlier

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ok i want to get roller blades but i every blades are like 60 to 100 i mean come on so i think i should go to toysrus or kmart is that bad plus if i do get it can i do tricks with it like grinding and just riding around manhatten and stuff




  1. From what I have experienced from buying skates, K-mart, Target, Walmart etc are all places that you can get your blades for cheap but it does come with consequences.

    If you are a beginner, don't do many tricks and are just trying skating out for a little while, go ahead and get the cheap blades since you don't know if you will even like it yet. You don't want to spend a lot of money on something you will use a couple of times and throw in the garage sale pile.

    If you are more experienced than the average beginner, you will find that buying blades from all around stores will not get you what you want. Cheap skates are pretty much just that, cheap skates. I'm not saying that the most expensive skates are the best on the planet but for the most part your 60-100 skates are probably much better for continuous use and tricks than your $20-40 blades you get at walmart.

    The more expensive ones will have more features and will usually have better wheels, bearings, adjustments etc. All of which you need to do tricks more fluidly and will make your blades last longer and perform better. Most blades from the regular stores (and some of your more expensive ones)  will have crappy wheels and such on them and will need to be switched out very soon if not immediately depending on your experience level. This costs more money than you would think and that will make your Toys R' Us skates eventually just as expensive as the ones you could have bought originally (and they still won't perform as well).

    Go to any REAL skate shop and they will tell you the same. You can even look at the prices for the wheels and such for yourself and figure out the final cost.

    So anyway, I hope this has helped you. Shop around and find out what is going to work out well for you...Buying lower grade and having to buy them again soon, or buying the higher grade which will have more life. I have bought and have seen friends buy skates on Ebay as well and as long as you are sure of your size, you can get a pretty good deal on there. Be sure that the listing has full detail of the blades features and don't be afraid to ask the seller all the questions  you can think of.

    Break a leg,


  2. yes that might be bad

  3. just dont get skates and get a skateBOARD at your local shop

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