
By 2010, what is the probability that lebron would either...?

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a. stay with the cavs

b. go 2 the nets

c. go to the knicks

d. or go 2 another team

and give me your reason why he most likely would go 2 that specific team




  1. he's going to the nets for sure

  2. Nobody knows until it happens

  3. He'll go to the nets with his boyfriend Jay-Z. In which the Cavs 'fans' from seasons back will follow. Bandwagoners!

    Think Happy Thoughts!

  4. Stay

  5. Probably nets or the other options is miami, caz his best firned wade is there

  6. a. 50%

    b. 20%

    c. 5%

    d. 25% (Another team would take him because they will give him either MAD money and/or a chance to make a good team a championship team, whether it's for the LA Lakers, the Washington Wizards, the Spurs, Olympiakos, or Spartak Moscow.)

  7. a) LeBron will remain with the Cav's if they win a championship or put the pieces around him that will make that possible in the near future.

    b/c) Not likely because the Cav's could offer him a larger contract.

    d) Rumor has it that a Russian or Greek team may offer him a contract he can't turn down.  It would still be difficult for him to leave the NBA.

  8. He is Going to the Knicks He wants money and a Major Market is the only place he can grow and get. Cleveland whats in Cleveland? Nothing! He needs to go to a Big City! It would be great if he went to Chicago. That would be the best place for him in my opinion.

  9. he will either stay with the cavs of go to another team. there are a lot of other teams other than the knicks and the nets that would love to have him on their roster. but i think he will stay with the cavs.

  10. Who knows?

    let me enjoy him for another 2 years.

    thanks. :)

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