
By Beardie Behavior Question?

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I got a 3 year old beardie less than a week ago. He's very skittish and hates soaking outside,But I can't do it inside. I have to soak him so he doesn't get dehydrated. When ever he's out of th cage he's scared to be left alone even for a second. So I think.He puffs when I move fast. But I heard your suposed to socalize your beardie, I feel like I should leave him alone and just feed him for now. Is that a good idea or should I keep persistant on socalizing?




  1. If you got your beardie less then a week ago, then he is suffering from relocation stress. When you first introduce a beardie (or any reptile) into your home, you need to give them 5-7 days to get adjusted to their new surroundings; handling them right away causes them to be more stressed and "skittish". During the 5-7 days, do not touch/handle your lizard other then to feed, and change the water if you keep a dish in the cage. There is also the possibility that his previous owner didn't hold him, so he's not used to interaction. It's fine to keep a dish in there with them if they can easily get out on their own; they like to soak, and sometimes drink.

    Soaking your beardie in a tub/rubbermade bin/wading pool is a great thing to do for them. It helps keep them hydrated, keeps them clean, and encourages regualr bowel movements (poops). Make sure the water is clean (no chlorine or other chemicals in it. You can use bottled water), not too warm, or too deep. The water should be lukewarm and no deeper then up to their shoulders. Most beardies like to swim, but you shouldn't put them in water so deep that they have to. Test the water with the inside of your wrist; if it is too warm for a (human) baby, it's too warm for your beardie. Let him soak for 15-20 minutes, but remove him immediately if he poops, even if he's only been in there for a few minutes. It is good to give him a bath at least once a week, more is okay if you like. If he panics, you can put your hand in the water, and let him rest his feet against him; this usually calms them if they've never had a "bath" before.

    After you leave your beardie alone for a few days/a week to adjust, then you should handle him. Try for a few minutes everyday. Just put your hand slowly in his cage; let him see you do it. NEVER try to grab your beardie from above or behind; that usually scares them. After letting him see your hand for a minute, try to stick it under him, and scoop him up. If he tries to bite, have some greens on hand to stick in his mouth when he opens it. Do NOT back down if he beards/threatens to bite/or even if he does bite. Just keep trying to pick him up or holding him. If you back down, he will learn that all he has to do is try to bite, and you'll go away. Try hand feeding him his insects or greens, that is a great way to bond. Also, you could wear a t-shirt for a few hours, then put it in his cage, and he will get used to your smell. You could also try picking him up a half hour before the lights go off at night, so he will be sleepy. Let him sit on you chest to go to sleep; he will be more calm and accepting.

    It is true that your beardie will get water through his greens, so mist them well with fresh water before putting them in his cage. He should be getting them daily. Here is a good list   But it is still good to soak them too.

    Here is a sight I reccomend to new Beardie owners. It is good, and there is a lot of good info there.

    Good Luck!

  2. keep socalizing

  3. you should be bathing your beardie once a week, which aids in shedding, so you don't need to be soaking her. this could result in too much skin shedding too fast which can be painful!

    when you first get any pet they are very nervous becuase they are in a completely different environment.

    i would suggest leaving him be for a week, just feeding and getting him used to your hands being in the tank and what not when he is too.

    after he has settled into his home, knowing that he is safe there and won't be bothered, you should start handling him for about 20 minutes a day.

    also, when you start handling, set up a play pen like area in your room or something for him to wonder. they are very curious little guys :D

    good luck!

  4. Beardies do not need to be soaked because of dehydration, where did you hear that? They are desert creatures and hydrate through their diet when you give them their greens and insects.

    You give your beardie a bath now and then to well...bathe it and some people don't do that either.

  5. you realy dont need 2 hydrate the lizard because there desert creatures .

    i advice u to keep socializing with ur beardie otherwise he will just stay skitish.

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