
By Current Social Standards what and who defines "Crazy" ?

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Seems like anything goes today in society. Who truly defines what "Crazy" is or is not?

Please refrain from using dictionaries on this one as some are out dated. How do you define crazy personally and do you feel your perspespective of crazy is "Normal"?




  1. Anyone who answers more than 3 questions daily.

    -Ooops, this # 4.

  2. Crazy is percieved as defying what the majority calls logic or normal. One of the effects of being in a society is that there must be percieved common logics that every member lives by in order for the society to work "logically". People strive and hit as close to "logic" as they can and thus gain the social respect and admiration of thier fellows who are striving for the same thing. Any action or ideal of a member that strays outside the line of the percieved "logic" of that soceity (for which a "logical" reason cannot be found within the society) is percieved as crazy. There runs an extremely fine line between legal definitions

    because if you come from a society with different "logics" and "social norms" to the one you are entering then you cannot be called crazy, simply different. I think the true definition of "crazy" is just a complete disregard for established logic in any given place and level.

  3. "Crazy" is a general term used to describe anyone who doesn't fit the standard societal definitions. However, any one person compared against the societal norms will not be completely within those defined norms. There really is no such thing as a "crazy" person, it's defined by how far within the norms of society they are, or are not as to how "crazy" they really are.

  4. Mentally disturbed. Drivin mad by the harshness of the world in which we live. That's my def. of crazy

  5. I think doctors create new disorders, then they are approved or rejected by the surgeon general, but I'm not 100% sure. Very interesting video, it is nice to know some people actually use common sense and facts when delving into such matters, psychology is nothing more than a drug companies dream come true. There are no scientific facts, only scientific assumptions when considering mental disorders. I'm not saying some don't exist, what I'm saying is that scientists have no idea why they exist, how to diagnose them accurately or if chemicals in the brain cause such disorders. I have been treated for depression for many years, by many doctors, and before I was determined disabled with this disability, I was also told that I suffered from, mild anxiety, psychosis, mild retardation, bi-polar disorder, and many others I can't think of at the moment. I have been on just about every drug out there, and I can tell you I haven't benefited from any except the sleep aid trazadone. The only people who seem to benefit at all from these drugs, are people who are only going through a rough patch, not people who have a real disorder. Permenant side effects of these drugs include, mental retardation, depression, suicidal thoughts, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, liver damage, memory loss, nerve damage, and in some cases death. These are the ones I can name off the top of my head, and the sad part is the biggest targets of these drug companies are our children. It is also a well known fact that our judicial system has given authority to these doctors over the parents wishes, because if a school counselor states a child needs medical attention concerning their behavior it is considered neglectful if the parent refuses to allow these doctors to prescribe these meds. I found the story of Emily Rose very interesting, because if you delve into the real history of her condition, it began with mild depression, and as her treatment progressed so did her disease. I feel the medical community is to blame for her death, not that priest. I have been attempting to tell people the truth for years, but who are they going to listen to, someone who has lost all credibility because they have been labeled emotionally unstable, or someone that has intials behind their name? The best way to silence the truth is by ridiculing it and taking away the credibility of the person speaking it through whatever means necessary. ;-)

  6. i think crazy is what the society makes you think is not normal. for me crazy is someone that does not fit in society.

  7. American Psychiatric Association.....confers/writes...the APA Diagnostic and Statistical Manual...DSM IV now...all disorders are described.  Psychologists and psychiatrists use this manual for diagnosis.... you can read more at the website:   (college psych prof)...(cazy is a lay term, insane is a legal term, mentally ill is a psychological term)

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