
By accident I took two pain relief PM pills on top of two ibuprofen pills, should I be concerned?

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I had taken two ibuprofen pills because my head was hurting. i have a sleeping disorder and i am out of my medication so i took two pain relief PM pills about an hour after i took the ibuprofen. i had forgotten that i took the ibuprofen before. should i be concerned about an overdose?




  1. Don't worry, it wasn't heroin.

    You'll be fine, just be careful.  I wouldn't waste my time with poison control.  

  2. CelestialFire is correct, you don't need to worry about this.  You haven't taken enough to be concerned.  Prescription strength ibuprofen is 600-800mg and OTC (Over The Counter) pills are 200mg.  If you took four of these (I don't know which PM pills you took) then you have only taken 800mg.  You don't want to take anymore though.  Get a good night's rest and hope your head feels better tomorrow.  If not, take a few more of the ibuprofen.

    If your PM pills were acetaminophen (Tylenol) then you have absolutely nothing to worry about.  It is perfectly safe to mix ibuprofen with acetaminophen.  You don't want to do it daily or in high doses but one time is OK.

  3. Um I would call your local poison control line or whatever and ask them.

  4. if its over 850mg total I would be concerned...have something to eat and drink some milk....that will get something in your stomach to :mix things up"...empty stomach will give your gut...not really but it will hust and too much aspirin isnot good for your liver. and kidneys...they can't keep up with detoxing your if it's under 850 then just make sure you eat something and have milk ( if you don't like milk then find something else that's pure..not soda)...if it's over 850 called the poison center 1800 #

  5. A heat pack is a flexible bag containing special heat-holding chemicals. Applying a heat pack to a strained muscle or a broken bone is considered heat therapy, as opposed to placing an ice pack on a sprained ankle or a head injury for cold therapy. Heat tends to allow muscle tissue to expand and loosen, which is why a coach or physical therapist may use a heat pack immediately following an injury or wait until the initial swelling has lessened.

    A heat pack may be used to treat stiff muscles as they recover from overexertion. A patient suffering from Bell's Palsy or other facial ailments may also benefit from a heat pack. Other typical uses of a heat pack are personal hand warming, preparation for scuba diving and hypothermia treatment. A heat pack may also be found in food containers designed to transport casserole dishes or other hot meals.

    Perhaps the most common form of heat pack uses a blue-colored silica gel wrapped in a puncture-resistant plastic bag. The gel can be placed in a microwave oven and heated to several hundred degrees, although human skin shouldn't be exposed to temperatures much above 140 degrees Fahrenheit. After the gel has been heated, the heat pack can be applied carefully to the affected area. The heat pack can be reheated as necessary and a protective towel should be placed between the patient and the heat pack itself. This form of heat pack can also be frozen and used for cold therapy.

    Another form of heat pack uses science in the form of a supersaturated solution. The heat pack itself contains a solution of sodium acetate, a special form of salt. The salt solution is supersaturated, meaning it actually has more salt molecules than it can keep in a stable liquid form. The user presses a 'trigger' made from stainless steel, causing one additional sodium molecule to start a chain reaction. As the solution begins to solidify, heat is generated. Specifically, this type of heat pack can reach 130 degrees Fahrenheit during the reaction, but not much higher. After a few hours, the reaction stops and the heat dissipates. Boiling the heat pack for several minutes will return the solution back to its supersaturated state so the entire process can begin again.

    A new form of heat pack relies on oxygen and the rusting process for heat generation. The heat pack is kept in a sealed package until required. The user opens the package and removes a protective strip on the adhesive side of the heat pack. After applying the patch directly to a stiff muscle, the user should feel a pleasant warming sensation. The heat pack itself contains a special blend of iron filings and other chemicals. As the oxygen from the outside air penetrates the heat pack, the iron begins to oxidize or rust. One side effect of oxidation is heat energy. This heat energy from the slow rusting process is the basis for the warming properties of the heat pack. Eventually the oxygen and iron will stop reacting, but the result is a steady heat without the need for electricity or other external sources.

  6. I think you should be ok.  Doctors prescribe doses of ibuprofen that are 5 - 10 times the regular dose of over the counter products for chronic problems, and patients may take these high doses for several days without incident.

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